Intermediate Painting. Repin Academy Approach.

The program will be based on the centuries-old methodologies of the Repin Academy in St. Petersburg (formerly known as the Imperial Russian Academy).

Sasha Budayev and Varvara Agabekova are two Bridgeview instructors who graduated from that academy and have a unique set of tools/knowledge that wasn’t and still isn’t taught anywhere else.

The class will begin from a still life and end with a portrait.

It will go into the depths of sculpting the form with paint (acrylic or oils, your choice). Understanding how to mix color, how the use of warms and cools creates color harmony and vibration, how to compose your canvas, so it’s dramatic and effective and leads the viewer’s eye as it was done by the Old Masters.

This class is ideal for those who really want to dive into painting using the principles from the Old Masters and masters of the 20th century (Matisse, Picasso and others).

Students will have stronger portfolio pieces for College for those who need it. Regardless of whether you are going to art college or not, it’s always good for College Admissions to show excellency in extra-curricular activities and special talent).

Important! While you are signing up for painting, please note that in 99.9% including students with advanced art degrees from US colleges we start from drawing within a special system that we teach. Once your drawing gets up to a certain level you switch to color, which happens in the same class.

Monday 3.30 - 6.15 pm
Instructor Sasha Budaev
$550 (12 sessions) for Fall/Winter/Spring
6 spots

Monday 6.15 - 9 pm 
Instructor Varvara Agabekova
$550 (12 sessions) for Fall/Winter/Spring 
7 spots

Tuesday 3 pm - 5.45 pm 
Instructor Varvara Agabekova
$550 (12 sessions) for Fall/Winter/Spring
7 spots

Tuesday 6.15 pm - 9 pm 
Instructor Varvara Agabekova
$550 (12 sessions) for Fall/Winter/Spring
8 spots

Supplies List for Painting

  • Oil or Acrylic Paints:

    • Lemon Yellow
    • Cadmium yellow medium
    • Yellow ochre
    • Cadmium orange
    • Cadmium red light
    • Raw sienna
    • Burnt Sienna
    • Viridian green
    • Cobalt blue
    • Ultramarine blue
    • Alizarin crimson
    • Ivory black
    • Titanium White

    • Additional (optional) colors:
    • Burnt Umber
    • Brown Oxide

      Bristle brushes: Filberts and Squares

    # 1 (x 1)
    # 2 (x 1)
    # 4 (x 2)
    # 5 (x 2)
    # 8 (x 1)

    Odorless Gamsol (for oil paints only, NOT for acrylics). No other solvents are allowed at the school.

    Palette, plastic for acrylics and wood for oils

    For oil paints only palette cups (attachable to the palette) or a glass jar for Gamsol.

    Canvas boards or canvas - Medium size for still life to start, slightly larger for portrait. 16 x 20 or 20 x 20 for still life. Portrait size will be specified later in the semester.

    Vine Charcoal

    Roll of paper towels or old rags for cleaning brushes.

    Drawing pad, medium size, pencil, eraser to make sketches before painting.

    We recommend Georgian oil colors in 75 ml tubes. These paints are very inexpensive and yet are of good quality sufficient for students. They are sold by most major art stores. You can order them online from Dick Blick or buy in store.